Vert-I-Pak VHA24K34RTP-(FRD:VHA24K34RTP)



Sale price$3,699.00

Ducted and closet-mounted, the Friedrich Vert-I-Pak (R) eliminates the need for multiple through-the-wall units. The Vert-I-Pak (R) unit is installed out of sight, so guests enjoy a more attractive and homelike appearance. A quiet, energy efficient option for suites, extended stay properties, commercial spaces, the Vert-I-Pak (R) heat pump is available in capacities ranging from 9,300 to 22,500 Btu.

Engineered for Quieter Performance

Friedrich s Free Floating chassis design and superior insulation help to eliminate vibration noise. The chassis slides into the wall plenum and a gasket firmly seals the chassis to the patented telescoping plenum. This eliminates vibration noises that are transmitted into the room in competitors metal-on-metal fixed installations.

Better Heating and Cooling Option Inside and Out
Vert-I-Pak (R) are completely self-contained, helping to eliminate the clutter of outdoor condensing units and the need for vandalis

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